27 September 2009

Possible radioactive dumping in the Mediterranean Sea


Well, our poor little corner of the Mediterranean keeps taking a beating. I wonder how much longer she can hold out. So far the trash dumping, the sewage plants with inadequate cleaning systems, and careless fisherman have taken a huge toll on these waters. Now the news has broken a story that tells the tale of “mobsters” (camorra) sinking large container ships full of nuclear waste in a money making scheme that earned them millions over the last two decades.

Here are several links to the story:


Associated Press

National Geographic (Video report)

I don’t know how much longer this can go on. There always seems to be some talk going on all the time about “doing something about it” but I can tell you that my Italian friends are barely aware there is a problem. When you ask them about the pollution or the dumping in the sea the response is always the same: “Yes, yes, this is a big problem. The government needs to do a better job.” but beyond that they remain largely uninformed.

As a local diver in the Mediterranean and specifically Naples, Italy I am always trying to think of ways to better my aquatic environment. I pick up trash when I’m diving, I educate people about the ocean when I see them, and I take pictures of the sea.

I think that underwater photography is vitally important to conservation efforts. Would you care about Panda bears if you have never seen one before? What if I describe them to you: black and white, very large, vegetarian. Hmmm, not thought inspiring is it?

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that all of the waste that was thrown over wasn’t as toxic as the informant claims the material to be. Let’s pray our Mediterranean can hold up to the pressures we keep putting on her every day.


  1. what?!?!?! where do you find these stories.

  2. I try to keep current on all the environmental news I can. The more I dive the hippier I become :)

  3. Powerful shots so, however those with excessive written material ar simply alarming, cannot see why they would slot in the gathering.


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